
My Yuzu tree

My mother said to me,"Your memorial Yuzu tree have many fruit. Did you notice that?" I hadn't noticed ,so I went to see the tree in my parent's garden and I took a picture of it. There I took 3 fruits from the tree. When I showed Gonta the fruits, he was interested in them and he smelled them. But he had a fit of sneezing, so he wasn't interested in them. Maybe I guess the fruits of the tree will turn yellow after about 1 month.


a Gecko

I found a Gecko on the kitchen window in my parent's home in the evening. I saw a Gecko from inside the house for the first time, so I took a picture of it. My mother said to me, "He was there a few days ago.I guess he likes there". I kept looking at him for while, and then he moved a little.


a charm

My friend gave me a charm for my mother. She bought it at Nikko Toshogu. She told me that the charm grants a wish and defends people against misfortunes. The charm is a bell which has a beautiful tone. It is really cute and beautiful, maybe I guess that my mother will like it.